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King Videogame, La Sagrada Familia, & Barcelona FC

Today was our last day for visiting companies and it ended with a bang. We visited with King Videogame who was the company that gave the world one of the most popular games, Candy Crush Saga. Later on, we visited La Sagrada Familia and learned about the history behind Gaudi and the development of the building as well as discovered the importance of all the details that exist within and around the building. To end the day, we went to Barcelona FC vs. Celta at the infamous Camp Nou and witnessed a successful 5-0 game for the popular soccer team.

Our visit to King Videogame was the best way to end the business visits on a high note. Just being able to listen to their success story and how much they value people and their company culture inspired me and helped me to develop tips for how to better approach future interviews. Two things that I found most interesting between the two presentations were 1) their company culture and 2) their digital marketing formula.

With the company culture, the fact that they invest in people over anything else is incredibly notable. Certainly developing ideas and methods that can improve the company are important to also consider when making investment decisions, but ultimately those are developed by people who want to and are motivated to share these ideas. Providing them with a space that will allow them to perform their best in the workplace alongside other people is also something I value personally, and that is the main reason why I was so moved by this visit. Companies don’t always provide this kind of environment for their employees and wonder why they struggle so much with internal affairs, but simply its because they lack an established culture that allows for their employees to feel comfortable bringing forth and sharing ideas. If more companies work to integrate a culture in the workplace, then they might have better chances for fixing problems and developing ways to better the company.

Learning about King’s digital marketing method, I was intrigued by the innovative formula that they have to measure their performance. It makes sense since it is number based as was said in the presentation, but they only provide predictions. You would think that having a formula and coming up with calculated numbers that King would have a solid idea of how the market will respond, but because there are so many factors that can cause things to change quickly you can never really know what outcome could happen. Regardless, being able to understand their formula as part of their market strategy was important for us to see and use that as a comparison to the other companies we’ve visited along with other services we have learned and/or discussed. It has opened my eyes to a method that is successful for a company and allowed me to figure out if it would be beneficial for another company that may not be doing so well and think about what other methods exist and how they compare. Just being able to have things come full circle with all the companies we have visited has really made this trip worthwhile.

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